When you read the word preparedness, what does it mean to you?
What do you think about when you hear it? Does this word have meaning or purpose in your life? Have you ever had to apply this word to your own circumstances?
Ask yourself this question:
How long do you think that you could survive without going to the grocery store for:
2 weeks?
One month?
6 months or more?
If you had to evacuate, how would you prepare provisions for time spent outside of your home?
How would you prepare for a natural catastrophe, health crisis, potential lock-downs, or loss of electricity? Whether you live in the country, city, or apartment, everyone has the potential to do something for themselves, to give them more self-sufficiency during a crisis. Remember, it's the little things that count, with the potential of growing and building your knowledge and skills. I believe we are all born with survival instincts, and we just need to find those resources that we can draw from, and start by taking one step at at time.
Let's look at the meaning of preparedness. I have broken it down for you, and have applied this to my own life and educated my family on this as well.
1) Preparedness: A state of readiness "referring to a research based set of actions that are taken as precautionary actions, in the face of a potential disaster; an important quality in achieving goals and in avoiding and mitigating negative outcomes" (Wikipedia.org, n.d.).
2) The Prepared Cycle: "An organized tool that is comprised of 5 phases: preparedness, prevention, response, recovery and mitigation" (connectconsulting.biz, 2019).
In other words, Emergency Management.....
Now, let's point out some key words and their meanings from the definition above.
1) (Potential) Disasters: "An accident, natural catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss; an event that has unfortunate consequences" (languages.oup.com, n.d.).
2) Prevention: "The action of stopping something from happening or arising; to take action" (languages.oup.com, n.d.).
3) Response: A reaction to something.
4) Recovery: "A return to a normal state of mind, health or strength; process of regaining possession or control of something stolen or lost" (connectconsulting.biz, 2019).
5) Mitigation: "Dealing with something in a way that is effective" (cambridge.org, n.d.).
6) Management: "The activities of setting the strategy of an organization; coordinating the efforts" (wikipedia.org, n.d.).
7) Provisions: "To provide or supply something for use; a stock of materials or supplies" (merriam webster, n.d.).
So, let's talk about Preparedness Management.
People have written books, on various ways to prepare. And in my own life, I have had to both face some of these obstacles and apply preparedness in my own life. I am going to share some simple, smart and effective ways that you can start your own "preparedness."
Think about where you shop, where do you get your supplies from? Is it easier for you to shop online? Whatever the answers are, dig into those resources, sit down with a pen and paper, and device your preparedness plan.
I have put together a list for you, with some of the provisions that I have stocked in my home.
When it comes to preparedness, train your mind to think about how you would survive without electricity, for the time being. Our goal is to be stocked up with provisions before uncertain times, so that we can have more peace of mind, more control of your survival, and be less dependent on the grocery stores.
I'm going to give you a list of provisions that I keep in my home, and it's a long one. You have to do what is best for you, and within your means and where you live. Not everyone has a certain appliances for preserving food, nor do they want to. I do preserve most of my food, but I also keep dried food from other sources on hand, because I have a family of five, whom eat a lot, and I don't have all the time in the world to preserve food.
For me, I have faced road closures in the middle of winter, fires around us, an evacuation do to a potential flood, power outages, grocery store provisions being down due to a pandemic, illnesses in the home and being unable to drive 40 miles one way to town, and living 40 miles away from the nearest grocery store. What applies to me, might be different for you, but having the basic knowledge of being able to better take care of you and your family during these incidences, will provide you a basic foundation to start on your preparedness journey.
I have also included some pictures with links to some of the products that we use. Also, think about foods that your body needs to keep your energy levels up, that keep your blood sugars stable and provide protein, carbs and nutrition to your body.
My provisions list with short explanations:

I buy these one gallon jars on Amazon.
Baking Soda/Baking Salt
Boxed Muffin Mixes (that don't require eggs or dairy products).
Boxed Bread Mixes. (if you don't know how to make homemade bread)
Water, (water bottles, keep empty glass jugs or buy BPA free jugs and keep a supply of water on hand).
Left photo: BPA free plastic water jugs
Right photo: Glass jugs full of water
Coconut Water (for electrolytes)
Olive Oil
Dried Beans
Dried Mixed Beans
Ramen Noodles (need water for this)
Macaroni and Cheese
Left photo: variety of dried peas and lentils, mix of dried beans, dried orange slices
Right photo: orzo, beans, pasta mix
Canned Meat (chicken, tuna, salmon, fish)
Canned Vegetables
Canned Soups
Dried Milk (need water for this)
Dried Egg Replacer (need water for this)
Dried Fruit
Canned Juice
Canned Jams/Jellies
Bob's Red Mill is my favorite brand for egg replacer.
You can find the dried mild powder here.
Canned Fruit
Canned Beans
Potato Flakes
Peanut Butter/Almond Butter/Sun Butter
Rolled Oats
Nuts/Seeds (almonds, pecans, sunflower seeds, are good sources of protein)
Nuts.com provides a wonderful variety of dried fruits and nuts useful to keep on hand.
Granola Bars
Protein Drinks
Pancake Mix, (that requires water only)
Chicken and Beef Broth
Propane Tanks (keep them filled)
Barbecue or Charcoal Grill
Two Burner Propane Stove
Warm Blankets
Cooler (to store cold food or ice in)
Toilet Paper
Medicine Cabinet Supplies, (only you know what you need here)
First Aid Kit
Wet Wipes
Female Products
Essential Oils
Laundry Soap
Baby Supplies, (for those with babies/toddlers)
Pet Supplies/Food
Extra cans of Gas/Diesel
If you rely on the internet for everything, start printing off some of your favorite recipes, so you have those on hand.
Don't take your current situation for granted. Preparedness is making sure you can take care of your basic needs, when the unexpected things happen.
I am not a doctor, nor do I diagnose or treat people. While I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and natural remedies that I use, remember that using herbs and natural remedies are a personal choice. The information that I share on my blogs are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease. All things on these blogs are my opinions and shared knowledge, based on my research or the research of others. Also, if you have a medical condition, are taking pharmaceutical drugs, or are pregnant, please consult with your physician prior to taking herbs or attempting natural remedies.
Mountain Girls Homestead (MGH) is a personal blog written and edited by Michelle, Jocelynn, Sophia, and Nikole Norman. If you have any questions, please contact us.
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