Do you have a large family and need an easy, nutritious dish that will give you at least two meals? Do you need a large meal for a potluck? Or how about those tons of zucchini and chard you're growing in your garden and want a meal idea for that abundance? Then this meal is for you! I love this in the summertime because with a family of five, I can get two meals from it. But what's best about it is that it uses those zucchinis and chard that I have growing and need to utilize, preferably in different ways. This dish can be made for breakfast, dinner or for a potluck. In less than an hour, you will have a very large meal! Serve with homemade biscuits, or a side of pancakes or toast. These leftovers are great for us homeschool mamas who need a quick breakfast meal for that scheduled, busy day. It's even perfect for when you've been crazy busy all day, and your husband will be home before you know it. If you have these ingredients on hand, it's quick, easy, and filling. You will need zucchini, chard, a dozen eggs, garlic, onion, basil leaves, cheese and bacon. Lots of garden goodies! You'll also need a large pan (I use a 10x15 inch dish) or a roaster pan. The house will smell delicious with this pretty crowd pleaser! Enjoy!
1) 4 c grated zucchini
2) 2 c flour
3) 1 onion-chopped
4) 1 garlic head-chopped
5) 12 eggs
6) 2 c grated cheddar cheese
7) 3 tsp of baking powder
8) 1 tsp of salt
9) pepper to taste
10) handful of fresh basil leaves
11) 1 c of chard-chopped
12) 1 package of fried bacon
1) Preheat oven to 350 degrees
2) Fry the bacon, then let it cool, then chop it up
3) Mix all the ingredients together, add the cooled bacon
4) Grease your pan
5) Pour ingredients in pan and bake for 30-35 minutes, or until toothpick comes out clean from the center of the dish.
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I am not a doctor, nor do I diagnose or treat people. While I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and natural remedies that I use, remember that using herbs and natural remedies are a personal choice. The information that I share on my blogs are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease. All things on these blogs are my opinions and shared knowledge, based on my research or the research of others. Also, if you have a medical condition, are taking pharmaceutical drugs, or are pregnant, please consult with your physician prior to taking herbs or attempting natural remedies.
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